Hotell Fjällgården Åre i Åre

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SverigeHotell Fjällgården Åre


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35, Fjällgårdsvägen, 830 14, Åre, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 647 145 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 63.404762, Longitude: 13.091583

kommentar 5

  • Damian Dugdale

    Damian Dugdale


    Ski in, great staff and the food looks great, but we'll, not everything is in the looks. Dont get me wrong, it was nice, but I was expecting better.

  • Gregory Moulton

    Gregory Moulton


    Fantastic hotel! Lovely people, beautiful views, fantastic food! One of the best places I've ever stayed and I've stayed in over 50 different quality hotels all over the world. The restaurant was top quality. Literally the best hotel restaurant I've even experienced. I will definitely be returning to Hotell Fjällgården!

  • Henrik Five Sæther

    Henrik Five Sæther


    Used to be the best afterski at the mountain. Now it has become a place for the rich people from Stockholm. Tables (that used to be danced on) are now reserved weeks ahead. Canapees served with vine in vine glasses. Average age: 47. If you are looking for a good old afterski place, look at the places down town instead. If you are after lunch food is quite good.

  • en

    sander lyngstad


    It was a very good placw to stay for a cheap price, the rooms were cozy and had a nice "garden" outside of them. The beds were surprisingly good for a hotel. I liked the food there very much. The breakfast was nice. The staff was very kind and welcoming wich is very nice. I would visit again. Nothing really to complain about. Cheers, bye and sionara. But can you do this?

  • en

    Richard B


    Genuine, good service, perfect location, nice food, nice after ski, quiet rooms, relaxed

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