Hostels By Nordic i Stockholm

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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83, Drottninggatan, 111 60, Stockholm, SE Szwecja
kontakter telefon: +46 76 021 71 01
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.338278, Longitude: 18.0566561

kommentar 5

  • sandro da silva

    sandro da silva


    Great location! The rooms do not have windows! My wife was scared in case of a fire. Not very clean.

  • Matheus Marinho

    Matheus Marinho


    Excelente hostel no coração de Estocolmo! Funcionários prestativos e clima sensacional

  • Mohammad Alabed

    Mohammad Alabed


    It's the worst hostel you could stay in. It's not clean, room and hall smell bad all the time, lights not working in the toilets, and so on... The only good about it, it's relatively cheap.

  • en

    Cameron Steele


    This was the last available option for a cheap hostel in Stockholm and rightfully so. The inside feels like a prison. The room I was staying in had no windows, and a structural support beam going right through the middle which made it really hard move around. There are no storage lockers located inside the rooms so if you want quick safe access to your luggage you can forget about that. There are 3 disgusting closet sized bathrooms for all of the dorm room guests to enjoy. Common area is very tiny with a pretty much useless kitchen. If you absolutely need a roof over your head for a night make sure you look at all other options before settling here.

  • Patrick Sauter

    Patrick Sauter


    + Gute Lage - Sehr schlechte Hygiene; das betrifft Duschen und Zimmer - Mein Zimmer hatte einen Bettwanzenbefall: Zimmerkollege und ich wurden gebissen (gibt hässlichen Ausschlag und schmerzt permanent) !! ! Ich rate von diesem Hostel ab !!!

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