Good Morning + Malmo i Malmö

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21, Stadiongatan, 217 62, Malmö, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 40 672 85 70
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Latitude: 55.5810113, Longitude: 12.9937509

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mikael Bengtsson


    Easy bus ride from stadshuset which one can technically walk, at least if one doesn't have any heavy bags and is used to walking. Cheap, very basic rooms with some head-scratch-worthy design choices (a room intended for two people, and it's impossible to lock the door to the bathroom?). I left too early in the morning to be able to check out the breakfast buffet, which anyway wasn't included in the price.

  • en

    tri boedomo


    Confort, 100 mtrs from coop supermarket which open 07-22 n close to the citybus shelter

  • Murtaza Al Shawi

    Murtaza Al Shawi


    Always a pleasure to stay in here. The prices though could always be lower because of its location far away from the center of the city. Nice breakfast 🥣 and clean room.

  • en

    Ania W.


    Okay. Beds are good. Bathroom is small but clean. Dinner was really disgusting but they tried to fix it. So the effort to make you happy is there.

  • en

    Tony Love


    Nice basic hotel just the restaurant is very over priced for what it is and the food selection is the poorest I have ever seen in a restaurant. As a hotel I would stop again but I wouldn't eat there ever again. Nice staff at the front desk and the gym is ok and does the job. There is a sauna but I didn't use this. Room I stayed in was basic but good.

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