Friends Arena i Solna

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SverigeFriends Arena


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Råsta Strandväg 1, 169 79, Solna, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 502 535 00
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Latitude: 59.3727005, Longitude: 18.0002317

kommentar 5

  • Ahmed makarim

    Ahmed makarim


    Home to the Swedish national team and league side AIK, the cheerfully named Friends Arena holds 50, 000 people inside. It has a retactable roof and even though it can hold 65, 000 for concerts, the 50, 000 football capacity is enough for it to be crowned the biggest stadium in the Nordic region.

  • Moustapha Ismail

    Moustapha Ismail


    Great arena, comfortable seats .. Clean, easy to find restrooms... Prices very high to buy anything from the kiosk.




    Being my first experience of watching football match in a stadium, I got totally captivated by majesty and perfection of what I beheld. Ambience was just amazing. Everything was so nifty. The crowd was pumped up but maintained demeanor throughout the match. The ground, which seemed nothing less than a lush green carpet and the light to make every moment vivid and etched into my brain, were fabulous. For the first 10 minutes, it was hard to believe for me that I was watching actually anlive football match, not a movie on a 3D screen. The visuals were so perfect, it was difficult to believe for me. I'm not at all football fan and just went to have a experience watching football in stadium. But, after this I've become a fan of football, or probably admirer of football-viewing-experience in stadium like this. I would certainly re-visit if I get a chance to and strongly recommend Friends Arena for all football lovers and everyone else.

  • en

    sugar Peña


    The game was delayed for almost 40min because of the fog from the fireworks of the teams. And its a reaaally looooong walk from all means of public transpo

  • Steve Ellis

    Steve Ellis


    Went here for the Rolling stones had a great time in the venue just getting inside was manic crowds of people getting in and not enough staff to process people thru quick enough in the rain. I along bought my compact camera not an SLR as stated on the website was not permitted by one of the security guards tried again with another and was let in. Once inside a great venue quick access to the levels and seats and not too bad prices for drinks and food. Overall a great venue located next to the train station and shopping mall.

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