Filmstaden Linköping i Linköping

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SverigeFilmstaden Linköping


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39, Ågatan, 582 22, Linköping, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 562 600 00
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Latitude: 58.4117733, Longitude: 15.6219437

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mattias Kling


    Surprisingly good service for a cinema brand as large as SF Bio. Lots of advertising before movies start, unnecessarily high ticket prices, some techincal issues with ticket machines often broken in various ways. But very friendly staff and overall good equipment for sound and picture. Very often an enjoyable experience visiting here.

  • en

    Clas Tegenfeldt


    The great feeling of going to the cinema is gone. The entrance and hallway now feels empty.

  • Andréas Johansson

    Andréas Johansson


    I've been here many times and I always leaves happy. The staff is very friendly and helpful and SF provides a good variety of movies as well as snacks, candy, beverages and all the things you expect at a cinema. The two things I miss are the option of Dolby Atmos and/or IMAX and steeper rows in the salons. But none of these will sadly be possible without some serious construction..

  • Karl Wilzén

    Karl Wilzén


    Fresh venue. Easy to book tickets online. No printing required if you have a smart phone.

  • en

    Daniel Madan


    Some of the smaller theatres are really nice with good sound, picture and comfy chairs. However, the biggest theatre is a completely different story. Often out of focus picture, bad sound and worst of all; the angle of the decline in the room is non existent forcing short people like myself watch the back of the chair in front of you and not the screen. Staff are for the most part friendly and helpful. Toilets are clean and nice.

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