Executive Living Old Town Unique i Stockholm

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SverigeExecutive Living Old Town Unique


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38, Prästgatan, 111 29, Stockholm, SE Sverige
kontakter telefon: +46 8 33 55 63
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Latitude: 59.3248009, Longitude: 18.0696058

kommentar 3

  • Richard Harrhy

    Richard Harrhy


    My friend and I hired this apartment for 3 nights on 3-6 September 2018. On the plus side the location is superb and the building has real character. However the facilities were not of a good standard. Many of the lights in the apartment had to be turned on and off by plugging and unplugging wall sockets and there were electric cables running along walls and ceilings. The shower was over a claw-foot bath with such high sides that no-one with reduced mobility could have used it. When I was standing in the bath having a shower the bath wobbled violently and I almost fell over. We had to wedge folded cardboard under one of the feet of the bath to try to stabilise it (with only partial success). When the shower head was attached to the wall bracket it was inches away from a light fitting (this certainly would NOT have passed health and safety standards in the UK). I thought there was a real danger of injury in this apartment.

  • Ronny Myhre Njaastad

    Ronny Myhre Njaastad


  • Ingjald Pilskog

    Ingjald Pilskog


    Stedvis er takhøyden lite tilpasset en standard nordmann, men sjarm har stedet absolutt. Takterrassen er fantastisk.

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