Centralstation i Malmö

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1, Skeppsbron, 211 20, Malmö, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 410 626 00
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Latitude: 55.6090669, Longitude: 12.9999227

kommentar 5

  • Stefanus Saputra

    Stefanus Saputra


    Great station, Everything I need is mostly available. Locker for my big luggage, free WiFi at Narvesen, toilet, shower, restaurant. Just perfect!

  • en

    David H


    The station is rather small for a central station in one of the main hubs in Sweden. The hallway-like distribution can make it chaotic at peak times with people running in all directions contrasting with groups walking slowly. It is, however, functional and easy to operate - and when the sun decides to bless Sweden, the central station takes plenty of natural sunlight. It seems like SJ trains are better structured and easier to access than Skånetrafiken (local commuter trains).

  • en

    Vicky Victoria


    Good location of train station. In the center of town.

  • Šabac FlyFlyTravel

    Šabac FlyFlyTravel


    Centralstation it self is realy nice,but it is not about station it self. Area arround is realy nice and you can take long wolk by the piceful docks .Also,there is money exchange office with decent fees.It is just cross the street of black ring and fountain

  • Magnus Aycox

    Magnus Aycox


    Great station with pretty much everything you need. Easy to navigate without multiple confusing levels, nooks and crannies. Bookstore, two convenience stores. Food court with enough choices to accommodate most tastes and not become immediately boring. There are both 2 tickets offices and an information booth. When the trains are delayed or canceled, multiple additional staff members appear to provide guidance and directions. All in all a reference case in how a station should be run and operated.

nærmeste Transit station

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