Camp Ripan i Kiruna

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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5, Campingvägen, 981 35, Kiruna, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 980 630 00
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Latitude: 67.8607013, Longitude: 20.2405932

kommentar 5

  • en

    Hanna Sitte


    I loved being there. The food was Great and the Spa too. Also I loved the nature and activities

  • Paula Belenda

    Paula Belenda


    I only had the chance to do one activity with Camp Ripan. I did the sled dog tour. They picked me up at the camp on time and they drove me safely to the place where the dogs are. Good driver. The guide had many interesting things to say about Sweden, Lapland, sled dogs, Sami culture and life in general! Good guide. I enjoyed the ride and the coffee and cake in the break. They also answered all my inquiries over the email quickly. I would recommend it.

  • t0r0t0r0t0r0



    Hard to describe hotel experience. Small but clean cabin was comfortable. Definitely not western-style accommodations, but enjoyable nonetheless. The bathroom was tiny, but the floor was heated, so that was nice. The spa is great - must do! Breakfast is pretty good, but the bar is empty most nights. Head into town if you're looking for a lively experience.

  • Adrian Duly

    Adrian Duly


    Reall nice hotel. Instead of rooms you get a cabin, with room for ski kit and a warming box to dry your kit. The room also has a kettle, stove, microwave and a sink. The lack of an oven slightly limits your options for self cooking, but there is a coop just around the corner with some excellent, inexpensive ready meals. The restaurant is also good and there's are some places in town to get something to eat within 10 mins walk. All the staff speak excellent English.

  • en

    wanda heuer


    The staff at Camp Ripan was very friendly and helpful. Our stay was very nice the breakfast could get some attention otherwise our stay was perfect. Stephan the tour guid who took us on a Northern light hunt was great we had a good time and we had a great show of the Northern lights.

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