Boqueria i Stockholm

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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17, Jakobsbergsgatan, 111 44, Stockholm, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 30 74 00
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Latitude: 59.334682, Longitude: 18.068565

kommentar 5

  • en

    Stephan Bansbach


    Great place to eat. Very nice staff, and the food was amazing! It is a hip place to go with friends.

  • Joel Hamberg Magnusson

    Joel Hamberg Magnusson


    Great place, nice for drinks but also nice food. Took a big entrecote split on 4 people and each of us took an extra tapas, was very nice. Good and friendly staff, nice vibe.

  • Christopher Wijkström

    Christopher Wijkström


    A great place to eat and drink. Really nice atmosphere with good music. The service I've met there is top. Food wise it's the best tapas in Stockholm, if you ask me ;)

  • Martijn Bout

    Martijn Bout


    I do not write reviews often, but this one is truly disappointing. Rude behaviour and very little sense of customer service. The food is uninspired and tasteless. Please avoid, there are many other good alternatives around.

  • Henri Marjomaa

    Henri Marjomaa


    Good place for lunch, wasn't too busy at noon on a Saturday. Food was good and reasonably priced by Stockholm standards. The staff could've been a bit more attentive, but the service was fairly fast.

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