Bianchi Café & Cycles i Stockholm

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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16, Norrlandsgatan, 111 43, Stockholm, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 611 21 00
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Latitude: 59.3346068, Longitude: 18.0713083

kommentar 5

  • en

    A von M


    What's not to love about a restaurant that is all about pasta, pizza and bicycles?

  • Sebastian Montabone

    Sebastian Montabone


    Place looks very nice, unfortunately I had to leave because no one came to take my order after waiting for a long time, even though the place was not too busy.

  • Sankarson Banerjee

    Sankarson Banerjee


    Cycles all around and fabulously friendly staff. Not to mention a mean collection of Grappa and some fantastic food

  • Xavier Gelabert

    Xavier Gelabert


    I loved this place in its old location and weekend buffet brunches were exceptional. Only been there once since its new location and haven't been back again. The food is still good but we found it not very child friendly and the buffet brunch was no longer available. Waiters in the previous location had a better vibe too. I will go back for a coffee though.

  • Ashley Tott

    Ashley Tott


    Love this place! I always stop and hang here between meetings. The concept is great - bike store cafe combo. Just tried this chicken dish which was superb.

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