Best Western Hotel Baltic i Sundsvall

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SverigeBest Western Hotel Baltic


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5, Sjögatan, 852 34, Sundsvall, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 60 14 04 40
internet side:
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Latitude: 62.390926, Longitude: 17.3131831

kommentar 5

  • F Herr

    F Herr


    Really neat hotel with excellent rooms and breakfast. Very nice employees and perfect service. Great view also

  • Robby Rojal

    Robby Rojal


    I visited this hotel on a business trip. The staff of this hotel is super friendly and the service is excellent. You can have Coffee 24/7 with cookies. The breakfast was simply amazing and honestly the best I ever had in a restaurant. I would love to come back here

  • Angelica Olofsson

    Angelica Olofsson


    Good rooms, excellent service and very good breakfast.

  • Tayyab Wasim

    Tayyab Wasim


    Great value for money, kind staff and a decent breakfast. I highly recommend this place. The rooms are clean and big. The location of the hotel is great considering that Sundsvall is such a small place.

  • Svein Kåre Leithe

    Svein Kåre Leithe


    This is a real good hotel. Good service, Nice room, very good food, and a good price.

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