Abisko Guesthouse i Abisko

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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5, Kalle Jons väg, 981 07, Abisko, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 70 559 22 54
internet side: www.abiskoguesthouse.com
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Latitude: 68.3497418, Longitude: 18.8339689

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ivan Goh


    Highly recommended. Clean rooms and toilets. Near a grocery store and friendly staff. Definitely a goos place to stay for catching the aurora.

  • Boris Turchik

    Boris Turchik


    Rooms are small and walls are thin, but it's a hostel - and other facilities (save, perhaps, a shower) are nice and comfortable. They also provide you free winter clothing and you can rent equipment/book tours on site.

  • Sarah Mazza

    Sarah Mazza


    Stayed in a 3 person room with 2 people, bed was comfortable with warm blankets. It would be very tight to have 3 people in such a room, but worked great for us. Kitchen and common area was perfect for cooking meals. And best part, warm clothes (snow suit, mittens, hats, boots) are provided! Staff was friendly and helpful.

  • en

    Daniel Li


    Jan 2018- Nice central hostel near the train station. Book the activities at the guesthouse so that there is no need to set off from any other place. 1 bedroom apartment option or hostel style shared space. Apartment come with fully functioning kitchen. Free winter wear, boots and headgear provided for free. Aurora photo hunt with Frank is a must do!

  • Kaustubhi Shukla

    Kaustubhi Shukla


    Abisko Guesthouse is an economical lodging facility located at a 3 minute walking distance from the Abisko train station. The facility is clean, well equipped and very well maintained. There are fully functional two kitchen and dining spaces here. Nearby supermarket is well stocked with ready to eat as well as raw cooking materials so one can cook whole meals here and have a comfortable stay. The staff managing the property are sincere, hard working and helpful. Abisko Guesthouse also provides complementary winter gear to all its guests which is more than welcome in the bone-bitig winter of the Swedish Lapland, especially when one camps outside on the frozen lake to catch the glimpse of the Aurora Borealis.

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