XXXLutz i Malmö

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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2, Cederströmsgatan, 212 39, Malmö, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 40 655 50 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.5990263, Longitude: 13.059032

kommentar 5

  • Vishal Kondabathini

    Vishal Kondabathini


    Good collection of build your own modular furniture. A bit complex to build but the quality is better than other standard modular furniture. Good customer service too.

  • Kevyn Danuway

    Kevyn Danuway


    Modern furniture and environments with a good finish. It has an incredible restaurant that is worth knowing. Space for kids to have fun while the kids go shopping. very cool recommend.

  • Siarhei Pilat

    Siarhei Pilat


    My personal favorite. Gave us nice offers each time, helped us out when we were poor students and just moved to Sweden. Loyal to XXXLutz 4 life!

  • Lu Ka

    Lu Ka


    Very different and beautiful collection of furniture and other home assortment. It's feels great when you have different stuff more then from cheap Ikea store

  • Xerxes 2500

    Xerxes 2500


    Good and unique brand with good service. I'm satisfied with the quality of the products which delivers everything it promises. The guarantee and "öppet köp" works well and the company provides satisfying services after the purchase as well. The only problem is the location of store which is not a problem when you have your own car and there is always plenty of parking spots.

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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