Västergatan w Malmö




🕗 godziny otwarcia

16, Västergatan, 211 21, Malmö, SE Sweden
kontakt telefon: +46 40 793 13
strona internetowej: www.vastergatan.se
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 55.606313, Longitude: 12.9959606

komentarze 5

  • Stina Jonsson

    Stina Jonsson


    The food here is world class. The combinations of ingredients are creative and often unexpected but oh so so tasty. Prices are reasonable, the interior nice but the food is simply amazing. Another reviewer described the staff as ‘shy’ which isn’t wrong (they are certainly not your over-the-top, stereotypical chatty American waiter). I’d rather say that they don’t feel like staff at all. They are chill people who appreciate good food which they are kind enough to bring to your table. I’d pay good money for the recipes from there!

  • Grant Morrison

    Grant Morrison


    Very nice food. We had the four course menu and everything was really good. The smoked trout was a particularly nice course. Great little restaurant with fantastic service. They were great making sure everything was gluten free for my wife and explaining all the dishes and even giving us a recipe. It is quite small though and was busy even on a Wednesday evening so I would definitely recommend booking in advance especially at more popular times. We booked online from their website which was very quick and easy and worked perfectly. If we were local this would most certainly be a regular place for us.

  • Lucie Niemelä

    Lucie Niemelä


    The food was really good, especially one cabbage dish. Nice acidity. The staff were a little bit shy. I didn't get as much info about the food as I would have liked.

  • Johan Stéen

    Johan Stéen


    Make sure to book in advance! This restaurant is really really good and considering the small size and affordable prices it is constantly full. Go for the set menu with wine pairing and you will leave both amazed and happy.

  • gökhan yücel

    gökhan yücel


    wow, what an experience. you just forget what you ordered and lose yourself in a rhapsody of tastes. i can easily count it in my top 5 in Sweden. they have a lovely staff too. everything and everyone’s lovely. if you have just one night in Malmö, try this place.

najbliższy Restauracja

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