Moderna Museet i Stockholm

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SverigeModerna Museet



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4, Exercisplan, 111 49, Stockholm, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 520 235 00
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Latitude: 59.3260466, Longitude: 18.0846878

kommentar 5

  • Tony Church

    Tony Church


    Free lockers and entry. Paid to go into the temporary exhibition 'art et liberte' well worth it and found more to see. Well laid out and a vast array of modern and contemporary art movements. Saw works by Cy Twombly Andy Warhol, Robert Rauschenburg and more really enjoyed the visit and want to do work when i get home.

  • en

    HH W


    Small collection spanning principally the latter 20th and 21st centuries - but well described and with some interesting pieces.

  • Frank Kummel

    Frank Kummel


    I don't like it. If you want good art then go to the Dali museum in Spain. The art is bad and the shop is boring. Not recommended!

  • Sarah Laframboise

    Sarah Laframboise


    Would highly recommend as a must see museum in Stockholm if one is into Art Museums. Can spend a lot of time here and I enjoyed walking around at my leisure. There is audio guides available which I would also recommend. Note to travellers, you cannot bring bags/backpacks into the museum. If you do they must be held in your hands, by your side or worn on the front of your body. There is also a closet area as soon as you walk in where you are welcome to leave your coats and bags.

  • Bryce Stewart

    Bryce Stewart


    My adventures always include local museums no matter if they're good or bad. In this case Moderna Museet is good. Very good, and you'll enjoy every moment as well. The normal exhibits are free to view. They also contain special exhibits which cost money to view. I recommend paying for one special exhibit along with seeing the free one. Walking around the museum outside is also a treat. You'll find sculptures and views. Don't pass this up while in Stockholm.

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