Jolla Togan Choklad & Dessert AB i Norrköping

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SverigeJolla Togan Choklad & Dessert AB



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30, Hantverkaregatan, 602 32, Norrköping, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 11 12 61 61
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Latitude: 58.5873688, Longitude: 16.1917382

kommentar 5

  • en

    au tumn


    Good coffee, warm chocolate and friendly staff. Tried the white fyra lyckan and it taste soo good. Not that cheap but its worth it. It made my day after a bad day at work:-).

  • Nicholas Stenbeck

    Nicholas Stenbeck


    They are incredibly skilled with chocolate; I recommend trying their five spices chocolate and their "kladdiga lyckan," meaning "sticky happiness." They also make ice cream with flavors depending on the season. Early summer usually brings mojito sorbet, which is a must-try.

  • Emelie Lindvall

    Emelie Lindvall


    The staff must have had a bad day when I visited Jolla. The cake was tasty, but the staffs´ unfriendliness made me leave without finishing my coffee.

  • en

    Stefan Gustavson


    Definitely the best coffee, chocolate and ice cream in Norrköping, and quite possibly the best in Sweden. Nice place with charming, caring and extremely knowledgeable staff, and reasonable prices. Not cheap, but undeniably worth the cost.

  • David Stenbeck

    David Stenbeck


    This is most likely the place that has the best coffee and chocolate in Sweden. It is an absolute must visit if you are nearby and their tastings are worth the drive by far. The place is driven by Gebro and Jolla Togan, each with their own area of expertise they deliver an experience that only true experts in their fields (Chocolates and Coffee) could strive to live up to.

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