ICA Sergels Torg i Stockholm

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SverigeICA Sergels Torg



🕗 åbningstider

T-Centralen, 111 21, Stockholm, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 440 46 80
internet side: www.ica.se
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Latitude: 59.3320348, Longitude: 18.0629182

kommentar 5

  • en

    hamid ramezanali


    Warm, many people, tourist and travellers around, live environment

  • Kadir Gures

    Kadir Gures


    By far the worse and most insulting customer service I have had in my life. Angry owner who watches security camera thought I took couple of sausages off the self and I didn't pay for them. But the reality is that they dont have sauages without pork so i put them back. Later he grabbed me from my right arm as I was leaving the store. And dragged me back to the back office. Constantly accusing me for taking those sausage without paying. At the end 20 minutes later I barely got an apology out of him and it was not even genuine. They act like they are cops and they can search or take whatever belongs to you. I recommend to spend your money at the super market one floor down and much nicer and helpful people.

  • IMJ



    Kind of hard to find what you want as they have pressed as much as possible in a very little place. The hallways are tight and you'll find it hard to move around while other customers are also trying to make their way through. ICA has better prices than Hemköp in SOME of their offerings but not really worth to bother.

  • Mark A

    Mark A


    Always queue at the cashier. But they do have 4 self service machines if you're paying by card. Sometimes they do close the entire section and you're forced to stand in queue. A LOT of beggars around and even inside. Don't have a large range of gluten free products.

  • Viktor Lindqvist

    Viktor Lindqvist


    A food shop right next to the entrance of the subway. If you want to buy decently priced candy, fruit, cinnamon roll or soda this is your place. You can buy most of your foods here, but who does in the center of the city? Much cheaper than the 7-11s and similar above ground.

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